I'm still wishing I could elect not to notice and not to be depressed by counting up articles with male and female bylines on, say, The High Hat [but also, anything], and noting that the contents of the 1-2 essays penned by women each issue are all, well, Women's Issues (including a Gyrrrl Gamyr piece, which subject absolutely curls my lip by now). The rest are general interest pop culture stuff, written by male generalists, who don't much belabor the fact that they are men.
It's hardly that I think Women's Issues are uninteresting, or that women should refrain from writing about them--look at my freaking blog--but more that I am made aware that men have the option of believing their perspectives not to be influenced first and most by their sex. Like, why would that be relevant?
I am beset by the notion that I consider my gender the most interesting thing about myself, a fear legitimized by my politics, my interests, my writing, my sexuality, my style.
I want to be a person.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
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