KUNGE! and the car goes right into the ditch, the back wheels lifting off the ground entirely. Sam, Barry, and Nate (in the driver's seat) groan and gingerly check their limbs. Sam pipes up from the back seat.
SAM: Fuck you, Nate! You said you were a good driver!
NATE: I am a good driver! No one's hurt, are they?
SAM: Fuck you, no one is hurt! My neck is fucked up! You're an asshole!
Barry is riding shotgun.
BARRY: Let me drive for a while.
SAM: Yes! THANK YOU. God, Nate.
NATE: No! I have to drive!
A brief scuffle ensues, with Barry ending up in the driver's seat. Nate keeps trying to regain the wheel, but Barry uses one long leg to pin him against the door.
Barry turns the key in the ignition. The engine stalls.
NATE: You're terrible! Let me drive!
SAM: Shut up!
Elle and Tee have been watching this exchange, and now come up to the car to offer advice.
ELLE: I've seen this before. You need to get out and pull the car out of the ditch before you can drive on. Just starting it up won't help, the back wheels are in the air.
TEE: Boy, are you wrong. That car's just a write-off. You should get out ASAP and walk to town.
ELLE: It's not even that dented, it's just tipped. If everybody gets out and we all push--
TEE: NO! We should all get as far away from the car as possible. It could explode at any minute!
Nate hangs out the window to talk to Tee. Barry continues trying the ignition.
NATE: You're right, you know. This car is dangerously unsafe. Look at these spark plugs I took out, the tip's all weird and silvery.
TEE: That's what I'm saying!
Elle moves over to try to get Barry's attention.
ELLE: Did you see that? He said he took out the spark plugs! You need to--
BARRY: I really have a lot to concentrate on here. Please don't distract me.
SAM: Come ON. We don't have all fucking day.
Barry tries the engine again, and this time it turns over. He puts the car in reverse and accelerates. The back wheels spin.
ELLE: You need to push it out of the ditch first!
TEE: It's fucking broken!
NATE: You broke the car! Let me drive!
SAM: Fuck this, maybe Nate should be driving, you're obviously not taking us anywhere. It's not like he could be doing worse.
BARRY: Hey! I got this engine started, you know! You're not patient enough! We're almost there!
NATE: Let me drive, let me drive!
BARRY: We're all together in this, I'm sure I can drive in a way that suits both of us.
NATE: You smell!
ELLE: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, he's a saboteur! Why won't you listen to me!
TEE: You're all fools! Fools who are about to explode!
Let us pull the curtain on this scene now, and drink until we can forget.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
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